There are various clubs, activities, societies and help groups meeting in the hall.

Most are public sessions, and are keen to engage with new members 
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10.00-11.30 - Yoga 9-10.30 WeightWatchers 9.30-11.00 - Slimming World 14.00-16.00  - Womens Institute Craft 10.00-13.00 - Private Group
13.30-14.15 - Elderfit 10.30-12.30 Private Group 11.30-12.15 -  Zumba Gold  17.30-19.30 - Slimming World 11.00-13.00 - Solace
14.30-15.30  - Highlight Cuppa (2nd & 4th Mondays) 14.00-16.00PM (October to March)
19.00-21.30PM (April to September)  - Womens Institute
17.50 - 18.50 - Barry Action for Nature (1St Wednesday of the Month) 19.30-22.00 - Private Group (3rd Thursday of the Month)
18.15-19.45 - Zumba Gold 6-7PM - HIIT Fitness 18.15 - 19.15 - Tai Chi 19.15-20.15  - PDT Fitness
19.00-22.00 Barry Philatelic Society (2nd & 4th Mondays) 19.00 - 21.00 - French Club (Term time only)
19.15-20.15 - PDT Fitness